I have always been very public about my desire to ensure coaching in climbing is accessible for all. For many, this comes down to whether they can afford it or not, coaching being almost by definition a luxury addition to a recreational activity. I’ve come across many people who would like and would benefit from coaching but lack the disposable income to spend too much of their hard earned money in this area.
However, as of October 2023, it is with much regret that as of Friday 1st March 2024, prices will be going up.
While I have resisted this change for several years, such an increase reflects not only the current, challenging financial climate but also my own development as a climbing coach. My prices have not changed since the business was formed in September 2019 and since then, much has changed. Some highlights since then include:
- Completing my Master’s in Elite Performance
- Qualified as Development Coach
- Completed training in Performance Coach
- Become a BMC accredited provider of FUNdamentals workshops
- Attended multiple conferences, workshops and seminars on climbing coaching
- Several years of experience in coaching and coach education
- Multiple other things that have contributed and been absorbed to the point I don’t remember…
While writing that felt like at worst, an excuse and at best, an attempt at justifying my position, it is offered to provide some evidence to explain why a price increase is fair. Back in 2019, I was operating as a promising Development Coach trainee. Now, I’ve developed into the higher end of climbing coaches and the price of a session should reflect that.
If the New Prices Are Too High
That being said, I am still acutely aware of the problem mentioned earlier: namely that some people still don’t have the disposable income. And I haven’t forgotten you. There are still various promotions you can take advantage of.
Loyalty Pricing
I’ve always valued repeat customers and I am still offering loyalty pricing. This means that the price you pay on your first session is the same that you will pay for every session.
This is part of the reason I’m giving two months notice of the price increase. It gives you time to book that first session and get locked in to the lower prices. You only need one session to lock in to this for life. While I cannot guarantee this promotion will last forever, I will continue it as long as it is feasible.
[Please note, this is being offered as an option and should you choose to support me, you have the option to waive your Loyalty Pricing. Please do let me know on the session]
Research Participant Discount
As I have progressed, building from my Master’s degree, I have continued to be interested in research. Meanwhile, as the business has developed, new services and products are being developed too.
This means that I occasionally need ‘guinea pigs’ to test out new courses, theories or to participate in academic research. It would be unfair of me to simply charge full price during this beta-testing phase (pun intended) and so I’m pleased to offer a Research Participant Discount.
Suitability for this discount varies greatly and it would be impossible for me to list each scheme individually. RPD is offered at my discretion but if you are interested in being involved, please do get in touch to see what I’m up to. RPD varies according to each project and is offered on a case-by-case basis.
This can also be a useful discount for those who are unable to commit to full price sessions.
Other Discounts
The old discounts still apply: a free hour in exchange for a Facebook review; and a free hour for you for every referral who quotes your name.
Typically, these discounts are only available for repeat sessions.
What Are the New Prices?
Much market research has been conducted to bring Prowess prices in line with other similar coaches across the industry. While these may be a high percentage rise, these reflect both my standing as a coach and the service on offer.
New 1:1 price: £30 per hour
New small group price (between 2 and 6 people): £20 per person per hour
Large group rate (between 7 and 12 people): unchanged at £10 per person per hour
Minimum session length remains only 2 hours
When Will the Prices Increase?
Prices will increase on Friday 1st March. Any session booked (not necessarily run) before then will be subject to Loyalty Pricing and will lock you in to the old prices.
Will Coach Education Courses Be Affected?
Coach Education courses, including the BMC FUNdamentals of Climbing Workshops, operate independant of these private sessions and thus, are not included in this price increase.
A Final Note
All that remains is to offer a huge thanks to all those who have booked sessions in the past four years to get me to this point. There is a reason I offer a Loyalty Discount and it is because I value you all so much. So I would like to end with a massive thank you to every single person who has had a coaching session to date.