Outdoor Bouldering


Half Day (3 hours): £120
Full Day (6 hours): £240

Small groups*

Half Day (3 hours): £90pp
Full Day (6 hours): £180 pp

*2-6 people

Payment is required to secure your booking. Please also see the Cancellation Policy

Get In Touch

If you would like more information on the courses and sessions available, please get in touch

Moving outside after learning your craft in the gym can be daunting, complicated and even dangerous if not done correctly. This course is designed to help you make that transition safely and confidently so you can take your craft to the crags.

With 1000+ recorded ascents at over 130 venues in 10 countries, I have more than enough experience to share with you on how to boulder outside. What’s more, many of these crags are based right here, in North Wales, including some of my own first ascents. There is a huge wealth of problems that mean climbing is possible is year-round, with mountains, forests and coastal crags to choose from.

We’ll meet at a local cafe and decide on our plan for the day selecting the best crag for your ability and the conditions on the day. From there, we’ll travel to the crag in question and walk in, discussing various considerations on the way. (It may be the case that we decide a crag beforehand and meet at the crag instead.)

During the day, we’ll look at some general principles regarding pad placement, route selection, route reading and more. We’ll also look at your personal climbing to find your weaknesses and do some performance coaching along the way as well.

Wet Weather Contingency

No one can help it if it rains. Where possible, we will move to a dry crag but if we cannot, you have three options:

  1. Move session indoors. Indoor prices then apply (covered by deposit)
  2. Rearrange session. Deposit will be transferred to new session
  3. Cancel session. Deposit will not be refunded

Sessions may be cancelled up to 48 hours before commencing for a full refund. If rain starts mid-way through the session, any remaining full hours will be subject to the above options

Other considerations

  • Kit. Bouldering pads are included in the price, although you may wish to bring your own. You will need to provide your own rock shoes and personal clothing. A kit list sheet can be sent to you on request
  • Transport. Transport to the crag is not included and public transport around the area is not ideal. As such, bringing your own transport is recommended. If this is an issue, please let us know.
  • Accomodation. While we cannot supply accomodation, there is a wealth of options around the local area for those that need it. Please let us know when booking and we can advise you on somewhere to stay.
  • Retail opportunities. Prowess Coaching has various different retail offerings, including the North Wales Bouldering Guide. This can be purchased along with your course for a discounted price
  • Under-18s. We are not licensed to take under-18s out on their own and while we are happy to take minors out into the hills, they will need to be accompanied by a parent. There are no extra charges for accompanying parents.
  • Dog. It may be the case that we bring a dog along on your session. If you would prefer us not to, please let us know.